Sunday, September 23, 2012

c'est la vie

Let's see... My last post was in May..
And now its September! Gosh 4 months.. And 4 months can make a lot of change.. A LOT
Where do i start.. let's see got JPA's scholarship.. and now I AM IN FRANCE!


I got here on the 6th of july.. i'll tell all about it in my next post.. if i ever care to visit my blog again la.. hehhe
life is good here.. and my french is improving.. thank God..
But then when i'm here i realise that i could never change that one thing...*sigh
It comes to me everyday....
OK forget it.. hahaa
I'm sleepy that's why I'm writing nonsense...
Bonne nuit!
*intelligence has its own fluidity
*Mon coeur est tojours ouvrir pour toi!
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